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Imaginedvl said:
Ali_16x said:

Lol do you actually believe Microsoft had a better E3 during 2015 and 2016? It aint even debateable. 2014 however, it came down to what you enjoyed more, both had a bunch of CGI trailers.

"lol". I do.

I mean I'm sorry but you are proving my point. I can tell you that Microsoft fans have a very different oppinion than Sony enthusiasts and I have hard time to comprehend how some people really believe they are "right" instead of understanding that at the end it is all relative and subjective. 

So yes, you can argue as much as you want :) Like the majority of the Sony enthusiasts or anti Microsoft, who are "not interrested" you defintely think Sony's E3 are close to heaven... While Microsoft enthusiasts have usually a very different oppinion. I personally found the majority of Sony's E3 extremly boring, and the reasons are simples, I do not care about their games and consoles... Guess what, same goes the other way :)

I can tell you that other than maybe 2015 where it has nothing to do with content at the end, the majority of Xbox fans will tell you Microsoft enthusiasts will tell you Microsoft E3s were the best. 

I mean this is dead end argument and you are just proving out our point here anyway. At the end all conference will be the best for the ones who are expecting something out of it for themselves and getting it... Sony fans do not care at all about Microsoft and vice-et-versa... Both side will find their conference (unless it is really really really bad which is never the case) to be the best and this is simple logic.

At the moment the Play Station Four vs Xbox One usebase is like what? 65%-35%, well I can garantee you the results wil be about the same in "who won the E3" polls... Again, simple logic and nothing objective at the end :)

I don't even understand what you're trying to get at, it seems like you just said the same thing a bunch of times but all I read was you say "Sony enthusiasts/Anti Microsoft" a bunch of times acting like the only people that exist are anti microsoft if they say that Sony had a better conference. 

And really I don't even want to get at how bad Microsoft is doing this generation in terms of games but they have the worst rated mainline Halo and Gears, failed new IPs, bunch of cancelled games and barely any games in the horizon. So I'm not sure how you expect gamers in general to say that Microsoft is doing well, but of course you'll just say, "They're all a bunch of Sony fanboys/Microsoft haters".

EDIT: And actually, I have no problem saying when one company has a better conference, I actually think that Microsoft had a pretty amazing E3 2014 but now looking at it, pretty much it's all cancelled or STILL not out. While Sony had such a bad conference filled with 3rd party games.

"There is only one race, the pathetic begging race"