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Hawkeye said:

Which system should I get? Or should I get neither? Or both? There are advantages to both and I cannot decide...

Pros and cons of PS3


-Blu ray player would go great with me HDTV

-Remote play ect would go great with my PSP

-backwards compatibilty would be fantastic since I never had a PS2 (only had enough money to get GC) and there are 20 plus games I would like to buy for PS2

-reliable hardware

-lots of good games coming out in the future that I would like ex LittleBigPlanet, Disgaea 3, White Knight Chronicles, FF13, ect...

-free online

-lots of good games coming out this fall (disagaea 3, LBP ect) 


-kinda pricey

-all my friends that have next gen consoles (about 1/2 of them) have either Wii or 360, so the free online would be meaningless for multiplayer gaming (though has other useful functions)

-most of the games I want are for PS2 or arn't out yet and I am uncertain how BC works for PS3- did it get taken out? 

-blu ray movies are pretty expensive




-lots and lots of great games out RIGHT NOW- eternal sonata, blue dragon, eternall oddesy, halo 3, viva pinata, mass effect, Ninja Gaiden 2 ect

-many of my friends have a 360 so I could play with them

-I really like the controller (more than PS3 controller)

-Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts is on 360 and I LOVE BK

-Good downloadable games like geometry wars: retro eveolved and Pac man championship edition

-lots of good games coming out this fall (BK:N and B, Fable 2, ect)


-kinda pricey

-future uncertain (in terms of a giant supply of good games coming to PS3 instead of 360, not in terms of console failing)

-extremly unreliable- though a 3 year warranty makes this an annoyance rather than a death sentence

-if PS3 manages to steal 360's future JRPGS I will be left with primarily a shooterbox which isn't what I am interested in (though some more are coming ex. infinite undiscovery)

-HD DVD=epic failure


Alternativly, I could buy a new PS2 for $130 and then just play games for systems I have, which would more than cover me. (I would have PSP, PS2, Wii, DS) For example, for PS2 alone I want:


Kingdom Hearts

Disgaea 2

La Pucelle Tactics

Phantom Brave

Kingdom Hearts 2

Final Fantasy 10

Final Fantasy 11

Final Fantasy 12

God of War

God of War 2

Ratchet and Clank

Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando

Ratchet and Clank: up your arsenal

Jak and Daxter- Precursor Legacy

Jak 2

Jak 3

Dragon Quest 8: Journey of the cursed king

Final Fantasy X-2

Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

Odin Sphere

Ape Escape 2

Star Ocean: Till the end of time

Wild Arms 3

Wild Arms alter code F

Wild Arms 4

Wild Arms 5

Tales of the Abyss

Ape Escape 3

Tales of Legendia

Star Wars battlefront

Star Wars battlefront 2


Devil May Cry

Shadow of the colossus

Devil May Cry 2

Devil May Cry 3

We Love Katamari

Beyond Good and Evil



..So, which should I buy? Or should I hold off until the fall for a potential price cut? Or should I buy neither and save my money to buy the 30 plus PSP games  I want to get (got PSP recently) and the DS and Wii games I am interested in?

mmmmmm, am well as I can c ur into ur RPGs (love them too, and yes FFVII was the best), my advice to would be...... try and hold out for the PS3 pricecut near christmas (hoping), and get a PS2 in the time being, btw Rachet and clank TOD is my fav Rachet yet and definely Recommend, it like all Rachet games has great replayability (plus dlc near christmas ),