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Thanks everyone, I have finally decided what I am going to do. I will *try* to get a job this summer, and then play PSP and Wii and DS games. Then this fall I will look at the lineup and revies and then decide what to get, though right now I am thinking that I will get a 360 this fall, and then a PS3 next summer, or a PS2 next summer and then a PS3 the summer after that. If I find I really like Disagae or something though, I might get PS3. Only problem I can see with my plan is
1. I may not get a job and
2. By next summer, games like Okami ect might be expensive... may be I should get a PS2 this summer and play the games and then return the PS2 after a few months? PSP games are going down in price anyway I feel.

Again, thanks for taking time to help me, and what do you think of my plan?