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Miyamotoo said:
JRPGfan said:

I think the resolution crap will end with 4k.... it should be a long time until we go higher.
Much rather they spent additional resources on other graphical aspects than just the resolutions.

Maybe at some point in the far far future, a mobile phone can do that stuff.
However I have my doubts.

Why? Physics.
There are laws of physics that could make it impossible to advance that far ahead.
We re reaching the end of how far down we can shrink these chips (ei. 5nm might be as small as we can make things)

Anyways thats a far ways off, and even then, there will be advantages to BIGGER systems, than smaller ones.
Does this mean a Switch 2? is a bad way to go? not at all.

I just dont think thats the route PS5 or XB2 take, or the future of consoles (other than nintendo).

I fear that won't be the case, we already have 8k, who know what will be next after 8k..


Paperboy_J said:
Yeah, I think the Switch is pretty much the future of gaming. No one ever thought smartphones would overtake dedicated cameras. No one ever thought the house phone would disappear. No one ever thought people would want to watch movies and tv shows on the go, yet look what happened.

Graphics and power will always be number 1, right? Gamers will always want power first and that will never change! There's no way hardcore gamers will sacrifice power for portability, right? Just watch.

We already have before planty cases where graphics and power are not most important, latest ones are Wii and 3DS, actually this is only generation where power and graphics are important but that just because PS4 offers better power and graphics over XB1 for same price, while in all other things they are identical. Power and graphics are not so important if you have different product that gives you different possibilities and experience.

Agreed. Not to mention, the graphical power of portable consoles is rapidly catching up to home console. Hell, Zelda BoW looks goregeous. And Switch is powerful enough that it's capable of having Skyrim ported to it, likely with enhanced graphics too. 

Home console has gone off the deep end with super-powered consoles and gimmicks like 3D and VR that have so far been met with tepid results. I think we're at a point where graphic quality is reaching "good enough" to the majority of the market. Of course there will always be the techies who strive for photorealism but I thinik they'll increasingly become a minority, especially as costs of game development skyrockets. Many here have said things like, Switch won't sell because of its outdated hardware. Ironically, I think Sony and MS are the ones who will ultimately prove to have the outdated hardware, as things move more and more towards portability, and a breaking from the TV screen. 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden