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AlfredoTurkey said:

I find breaking the law because you fled from a shitty, filthy, poverty stricken country filled with famine and crime to come to a place like the US to be akin to riding your bike on a sidewalk. It's just a fucking joke. If they want to work, if they want a better life for themselves or their family, let them in... let them all in. And if our government won't let them in, I hope they keep on sneaking in anyway. Fuck it.

I see where you're coming from, but that discourages them from ever fixing their countries and if you're a democrat (I'm assuming you lean left) then you'll take Ls in elections for inflating the welfare state by giving their children benefits they might not need (I know many well off Hispanic people that take it because "The Government steals our money anyway", No problem with people in need taking benefits).  Not to mention employers and others taking advantage of them because they can't go to the police.  I have no problem with them, but at a point the problem will have to be addressed head on.

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