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IsawYoshi said:
Superman4 said:

You leave it to stop paying other countries who are doing nothing 100 Billion a year. You seem to think that companies will stop installing solar panels, consumers in general will decide that they don’t want a hybrid or electric car, solar panels for their house etc. It doesn’t work that way. The cost of installing Solar or wind is minuscule in comparison to the overall savings. Companies and people in general understand this. Gas mileage is something that is dependent on price, nothing more. If gas prices were .20 a gallon nobody would care about an electric car or how many miles per gallon it consumed. People will continue to buy LED lights etc. because they save them money, the environment is not in jeopardy because we decided to stop wasting money on other countries when we can’t even figure out how to take care of our own.

The 100 billion dollars you are talking about is a joint effort. Trump talks like america is the only one doing anything, but in the real world the other nations are contributing as well. Here's a link from the UN talking about the 100 billion dollars:


You seem to be putting words into my mouth, because I do not "seem to think that companies will stop installing solar panels" and so on. Of course these things will advance as time flies by, and the cheaper and better they get the more use they will see regardless of what policy trump has. However Trump has the ability to speed up this process, because by for example removing coal plants the energy prices will go a bit up, which makes solar panels and other green alternatives more viable and profitable, therefore driving sales. This needs to happen worldwide, but not all countries has the funds to do this, and this is where not only the US but the rest of the developing world has to step up and help the smaller, less fortunate nations out. The environment is already in jeopardy, and Trumps actions isn't helping anyone. 

Spoken like a true democrat. Why the fuck should we need to help everyone else by giving them money? How many Solar Panels will 100 billion buy in the US for its citizens? How about we focus on us and let the other countries focus on themselves. Then once all of the big countries like the US, Russia, China etc. have our climate efforts realized, we can assist everyone else and stop throwing money to a worthless cause.