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Here are some of my best predictions;

1. Back in 2000 or 2001, I predicted that Nintendo would one day return to cartridgebased hardware technology for their home console system. It happened 17 years later with the Switch. Bare in mind that this was at a time when the CD och DVD technology was considered the only possible storage medium for future video game systems.

2. In 2002 I predicted that Nintendo would one day merge their handheld division with their home console division. It happened 12 or 13 years later.

3. In 1995 I predicted Nintendo would release a future fightinggame based on Nintendo characters. In 1999 they released Super Smash Bros.

4. In 1993 I predicted that Nintendo would one day license their franchises to a large themepark operator. Such a themepark will soon become reality.

5. I predicted the Wii would become a market phenomenon when most professional analysts saw the system as a hopeless failure because of its restricted specs. A year later it became the fastest selling game system in the world.