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Faxanadu said:
and to be clear: i didnt mean your writing, I meant what the story in MGS4 seems to entail.

I have no idea how to put that into gameplay. But then again, I wouldnt And I would also not put it in the story.

Fair enough.

While I'm quite an avid defender of MGS2's storytelling I must admit there are some unnecessary exposition in MGS4. The fact that Kojima makes up most of the story as he goes along unfortunately comes to show in GoP with an incessant amount of retcons and questionable plot direction decisions. Even before I had the chance to play it I said that this would be another love it or hate it game as was MGS2 and after experiencing the entire thing I'm convinced.

In the end it will boil down to personal preference whether you enjoy the storytelling style or not. Lot of comparisons have been made to MGS2 and there is certainly a similarity in how the story unfolds where it can be quite confusing requiring multiple playthroughs and contains a hefty amount of "preachy" monologues.

But it's more different in how things actually unfold, the amount of cameo's, side plots and pace of revelations as well as the obvious contrast between MGS2's loose plot and MGS4's answer focused narrative. The style is similar but the content is so different that you cannot draw a link between those who enjoyed MGS2 and those will will enjoy MGS4. The ending is also so contradictory in it's emotions that I think it will probably be the decidng factor in whether one enjoys the game or not.