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shikamaru317 said:
sc94597 said:

If that is how they explain it in the game, then I will be okay with that. I personally would've chosen Oklahoma or Texas, as both have higher concentrations of religious activity and had more big-name cults in history. Most cults tend to branch off from established churches, and take from local membership. Non-Americans and urban Americans tend to have this image of all rural Americans (or anti-government Americans) as being super religious, when it certainly isn't true. 

You have to remember there are other factors to consider besides religion. The art team most likely wanted a beautiful location with a wide variety of environments, and Montana is one of the most beautiful states in the US, with a variety of environments ranging from mountains and buttes to prarie and forests. Wildlife is also another consideration since hunting and survivalism are a big theme in the Far Cry series, and Montana has some of the most dangerous and diverse wildlife in the US, including everything from grizzly bears and mountain lions to big horn sheep and bison. Lastly, there have been real militia and cult groups in Montana in the past, such as the Militia of Montana and Church Universal and Triumphant.

Sure I understand that, but imposing a ridiculous story (not saying they are doing that) would take away from the immersion that such an environment would give (albeit it isn't a Far Cry game without conflict, so they do have to make something up.)

Militias and religious cults have very little to do with one another, in general. There are just as many secular militias as there are religious ones. There are actually various wings of American militia movements: a libertarian/gun rights one, a Christian/white-supremacist one, and a "sovereign citizen"/anti-globalization one. Some militias mix and match these wings. Out of the three wings I can only see the religous/white-supremacist ones attacking people and forcing them to their way of life. The other two are mostly reactionary, and have no interest in other people's lives in so much as other's leave them alone. The game's story would be interesting if they positioned the other two wings against the white-supremacist one. It would be an interesting take on American anti-government culture. 

It should be noted that not all unorganized militias are violent entities. Every state in the United States has had unorganized militias at one time or another. The one in my state (Pennsylvania Military Reserve) is pretty benign and even wants the state to recognize it as an entity that can supplement the organized militia (national guard) in times of emergency. (Paper about the militia movement and its wings.)

"A 1999 US Department of Justice analysis of the potential militia threat at the Millennium conceded that the vast majority of militias were reactive (not proactive) and posed no threat.[13] The Hutaree militia of Michigan was in fact prevented from killing a police officer and bombing his funeral by the FBI in cooperation with another local militia.[14] By 2001, the militia movement seemed to be in decline, having peaked in 1996 with 858 groups.[15] With the post-2007 global financial crisis and the election of Barack Obama to the United States presidency in 2008, militia activity has experienced a resurgence.[14][16][17] Militia groups have recently been involved in several high-profile standoffs, including the Bundy Standoff in 2014 and the Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in 2016 amid a renewed rise in anti-government militia movements."

The potential cult you linked is a "new age" religion, not one based on Christianity (the one in the trailer is obviously based on Christianity.) 

Here is a description of the leader

"Betty Clare grew up in a home that was mainly non-religious except for major holidays. Her father was Lutheran, her mother Catholic. Yet it was her mother's interests in Theosophy, the I AM Activity, and Christian Science that had the most influence on Elizabeth.[17] In Theosophy and the I AM Activity she heard about the Ascended MastersKarma, and Reincarnation; in Christian Science she was told that matter was not the only reality and that the spirit part of us made in the image of God was our true nature. Prophet stayed with Christian Science until she met Mark Prophet at the age of 22.[18]"