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FloatingWaffles said:

I never said he wasn't entitled to his opinion lol, i'm not even 'delving into ad-hominem' since i'm not insulting him (if it sounds that way that's not my intention), i'm just saying that it becomes noticeable after a while of constant threads he makes where it seems like his threads don't offer much other than for him to take quick jabs at something Nintendo related, whether it be the Switch or Nintendo themselves and this thread just reminded me of those since it looks like this thread was only made so he could try to say that he thinks the Switch is too weak or something. 

You don't need to insult someone for it to be ad-hominem.
You just need to undermine his position by trying to remove any credibility, usually done by attacking someones character or opinion.

He is entitled to make as many threads as he wants, with whatever topic he wants, with whatever opinion he wants, provided it fits in within the confines of the forums rules and regulations.
Attacking his character is going to do squat, argue his position with facts, information and evidence instead.

rjason12 said:
Don't listen to the naysayers, the Switch isn't as weak as some people would lead you to believe, plus it's easier to develop for due to its architect.

There is no doubt the Switch is actually weak though in terms of sheer muscle.

But it gets around that by being more efficient. Being based around nVidia's pretty efficient Maxwell GPU architecture is a big help in that aspect.
I would have loved for better hardware though, 50% more performance at the same powerlevel would have been entirely possible, with a bigger 8" or larger  screen. Maybe with the refresh, the doors are open on that front.

ArchangelMadzz said:

I haven't played the first and haven't noticed anything. It's a dragonball game so It's mainly just the story of Dragonball z but you're popping into the timelines to correct things. 

I don't know if there are things I'm missing but I haven't played the first and haven't felt like I'm missing something. 

That's actually pretty much it from a story perspective.
Xenoverse 1 was actually a pretty decent game, sadly I never could "get into it" so I am waiting on Xenoverse 2 to get cheaper before I pick it up.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--