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^no, but nice try. Not all FF fans think alike. The first FF I played was Final Fantasy on NES. To many people the first one (and to a lot of people first RPG they ever played) was VII, and they think that's the best. Others think the best is 9, others like 8 better, and to each its own. Everybody has their own idea of what a "FF game should be". The truth is the is no such thing. Square reinvents the game every time they make a sequel. So when people say stuff like "this game doesn't feel like a Final Fantasy" that's nonsense, all they really mean is a particular game in the series doesn't feel like the type of Final Fantasy they like best. The medieval theme is shared by most of them, but this is true specially for the early first 5 games which also shared the "crystals story arc", most of them. The cartoony/anime style is also something most of them have in common, but just like the non-continuous stories, changing gameplay systems and different world settings is not something the series is tied into.