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That is obviously very hard to predict.
It certainly depends on the consumer base, their needs, interests and age! People today are averagely largely older gamers, than before, and they will certainly get older. Current kids generation will get older. I think it has to be seen from that perspective in order to determine general market potentials.
Also as countries in Africa and East asia get more cash in their hands, through better job salary their luxury living potetial rises, equals potential more gaming consumers.
And as China opens even more up for gaming, their gaming market matures steadily I would think, raising the market penetration.
Further I believe that the console gaming business will continue to rise in overall global revenue, it has until now, and outpaced music and movie revenues. Why should that stop with the 9th generation?
And as long as there are multiple competitors, the market is competable and highly interesting for consumers, based on options, advertising, etc.