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DS Lite: 9/10 , got me introduced to some great series, like Ace Attorney and Professor Layton, has a good number of RPGs be it ports or new ones, and I still play it to this day. My only complain is that it deserved a better Fire Emblem.

PSP: 8/10 , nearly on the same level that the DS, though the use of UMDs cost it a point, cartridges are just better. Also, I'm still waiting for the western release of Valkyria Chronicles 3...

Wii: 7/10, a great party system, a console that actually made the rest of my family share my hobby is good in my books. Sadly, it's the worst 7th gen console for single player experience.

PS3: 5/10, tied with Wii U as the worst console I've bought. I usually buy Sony's consoles just to play JRPGs, and even if PS3 managed to get the best JRPG of the 7h gen in Valkyria Chronicles and other good ones in the last two years, the years inbetween were so bad that I had to buy an Xbox.

Xbox 360: 6/10, I bought it knowing that the games I was interested in were less than 15, but most of those didn't disappoint. As a plus, I really like its controller.

PS Vita: 5/10, it has some good games, but the lack of support from Sony, the expensive memory cards coupled with a good number of digital-only games, and finally the recent loss of exclusives to PS4 and Steam turned it into a barely decent system.

New 3DS XL: 8/10, a worthy succesor of the DS. After a bad first year, it managed to turn that around and now I've a nice backlog and a good number of announced games on my wishlist, enough to make me forget that Switch exists. Still needs a new Advance Wars entry.

Wii U: 5/10 , few games actually took advantage of what was supposedly its main selling point, and the droughts between releases were almost unbearable. At least BotW still got released for the system.