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sc94597 said:
DMeisterJ said:
@ brute

Was that one point yesterday? If not, I fail to see the point of this thread.

It was Dno and Griffen who were saying there were xbox games that looked better than smg. Me and dno were the main ones arguing, and it lasted for about 3-4hrs.

 You should go back and read what i said, i never once said that any last gen game does what SMG does.  My argument was that different genres on the wii still can't compare to what last gen brought to the table.  You guys tried to use MP3 to counter the FPS games on the xbox, and IMO MP3 does not look better then the FPs games on the xbox or the first MP games on the GC.  The character models of the Brawl game did not beat the ones in NG or the DoA pictures posted.