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Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is big. If you were to walk from one end of Ancaria to the other, without stopping to collect gold, talk to villagers, or slay pesky goblins, it would take six hours. There are 22 square miles of forest, desert, tundra, volcano, swamp, and island to explore, and that's not even counting the vast network of underground dungeons inhabited by giant monsters that fill your entire screen. Yes, size is important to publisher CDV, as it looks to create an action role-playing game so massive that it will break free of its PC roots and entice console players to get in on the hack-and-slash action made famous by Diablo.

We had only about an hour with the game, so we didn't have enough time to guide the shadow warrior back to the afterlife, but we do know that the six classes' campaigns will take roughly 25 hours to finish each, and that's without playing the hundreds of extra side quests. We did have enough time, however, to summon a pair of skeletal undead warriors to our side in battle to beat up on lowly goblins.

CDV describes Sacred 2 as being "as close as you can get to an MMO without being an MMO." What that means is that 16 players on the PC or four players on Xbox Live can drop seamlessly into a campaign to play with friends. The enemy AI will automatically increase in difficulty depending on the size of the party, to keep things fair. Because 22 square miles is a lot of ground to cover, you can click on a friend's icon and warp to his or her location immediately. There's also a player-versus-player arena and a player-versus-environment mode, and all statistics earned there will carry over to your character in the campaign, and vice versa.
Tech Warrior - 1 of the 6 classes in the game.
Maybe it's just me, but the game looks to be coming along very nicely. Seems like it will complement Too Human, and be the ARPG that Two Worlds should of been.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.