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A great way to extend your life expectancy, feel much healthier and stronger plus save a lot of money and hopefully enjoy doing so. It can also reduce or even cure some mental conditions like depression by releasing endorphins. In some circumstances can actually be the fastest way of commuting too in areas with high traffic congestion. If your lucky you may live in an area where cycling is given a high priority. Cycling is so cheap to get into too with some cycles appearing on freecycle or similar or just having friends or family having one idle in the shed or garage that you can borrow.

Gaming is not the healthiest of hobbies so cycling is a great solution to gaining weight due to gaming. If you love eating then better to use that as fuel for your journey than paying for fuel for your car. You don't even have to do the whole journey by cycle. Many people use a folding bike to cycle from a free parking area to their work where there is high parking costs saving a large amount of money. Also if you regularly pay to go to a gym you have both the expense and time of that, cycling can save you that money and also not take any of your time if it simply replaces your commute time.

Lastly of course you are very much helping the environment with the average car producing 4.7 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, any reduction in that has to be a good thing.

Only yesterday just outside my house there was bicycle training going on with about 20 children of around 7-9 being taught by about 2 teachers presumably close to the end of training out on real roads. As a kid I had cycle training while at junior school. There used to be a park nearby that had a mini road network for training kids on cycles and the highway code. Scaled down roads with junctions, roundabouts and various normal markings on the road to give a safe environment to learn about using the roads. It may still be there.