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Sony Discussion - Qore - View Post

Ok finished watching everything... so here my opinion

I really liked the videos, they weren't just "news" like everyone was saying. You actually see some new footage

Socom stuff was really cool, finally saw some full screen HD video of it, looked really cool

Soul Calibur IV/ Afro Samurai: Good stuff, showed some Vader kicking ass and i actually got a bit exited for the art style of Afro Samurai

Secret Agent Clank: Average videos, showed some of the gameplay... best thing were the art sketches which i wish you could download

Force Unleashed: Some really good stuff, showed new gameplay and the fight with the gian thing was awesome, also art for the game is really awesome (again, i wish i could download the one where the apprentice brings down the imperial ship)

Downloads: So, calling all cars i didn't get because i allready have it and i am not a subsriber. The socom theme is pretty cool, and the beta isn't downloadable yet, but it's going to be awesome

Only letdown... advertisment... every time you access a part you have to see an advert which are not skippable... except for the MGS one... which was strange because i wish i could skip them all

In conclusion I say it's a really good idea and for what you are paying, you are getting some cool new gameplay videos, art sketches, and a beta for an awesome game...
If this is what we can expect every month... I will be subrscibing next month

Oh and for europeans like me: Qore works perfectly well, but if you want to download anything from the downloads section, you will have to log in to your american account and then access Qore... if not it will tell you that its not available or that you have it allready! Everything else works perfectly well