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mygamercard gets their data from people that have a mygamercard account, have played the game and connected to xbox live. 2.1 million 360 users have a mgc account. Obviously not every 360 user has a mgc account or online capabilities. But as I said before, most of mgc's numbers for retail games can be multiplied by 4 to 7 times and that's usually in range with vgchartz sales numbers. For example: 1,360,643 mgc users have played Halo 3. vgchartz has Halo 3 at 7.8 million sales, that's about 6 times mgc's number. NG2 up to 35,126 at the moment. So, 140k to 245k is most likely the range for the game's sales. Although early mgc numbers for a week or so after a game's release lag a bit because: 1. not everyone that actually bought the game has played it and 2. some people only periodically connect to live.