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BenKenobi88 said:
How about this true story that happened a year or so ago I believe:

'She was sitting in a strange living room watching a buxom red-headed mermaid lament her life under the sea on television with a couple of drowsy children. It wasn’t how she necessarily wanted to be spending her night, but the family paid well and if she forced herself to admit it, she really did like the kids.

What she didn’t like was the creepy clown in the corner. Why anyone would need a life-sized statue of a clown was beyond her. She could only assume one of the kids had a thing for clowns. Or maybe a birthday was coming up. Either way, she just wished she could get rid of it. She knew it was crazy, but she swore it was staring at her.

The night wore on and she did her best to ignore the clown. As the second Disney movie came to an end she herded the children to bed. Thankfully they didn’t put up much of a fight. She was way too tired to deal with a cranky toddler.

She returned to the dim living room, picking up a dropped blanket on her way. She collapsed on the couch with a sigh. Looking up, she shivered. Was it her imagination or was the clown smirking at her?

The phone rang causing her to jump. That stupid clown had her on edge. She needed to get a grip.

She walked to the kitchen, leaving the clown behind her, and answered the phone.


“Hello. How are the kids?”

She breathed a sigh of relief. She’d half expected a killer with a penchant for gruesome pop quizzes to be on the other end.

“They’re great. Just put them to bed.”

“So things are going well?”

“Yeah. Everything’s fine. But I was wondering if you mind my putting a sheet over the clown statue in the living room. It’s kinda creeping me out.”

There was silence.

“Get the kids and get out of the house. Now.”


“There’s a man who has been roaming the neighborhood stalking families and breaking into homes. Get out now.”

As she ran to get the kids, she passed the living room and saw that the clown was gone.'

Now that is a damn creepy story.  I would never babysit there again or babysit unless its during the day.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.