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I've played every AC up until unity.  

Played them all on ps3 up until AC3 but that was a chore to complete.  


Black flag was a breath of fresh air. I got rogue for $10 on sale last year and loved it. Then on black friday I got unity also for $10. Only just got around to starting it there.  


So why am I so happy?  


1. Got the game so cheap 

2. A million bugs and performance issues are fixed 

3. I have the Pro so the frame rate is as smooth as butter. 

4. The game is awesome. 


So yeah you can really tell there was no last gen version.  The game is a proper next gen Assassin’s Creed in gameplay and graphics.  Story is awesome so far.  Especially the opening chapter that leads on from the end of rogue.  The way they did it I got goosebumps. The online co-op is good aswell. 


Sometimes it really pays off to wait. After this I'll probably get Syndicate later in the year on a black friday sale.  Hopefully $10 again.  And late next year I'll probably get the Egyptian one on sale.