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jlauro said:
koffieboon said:
Kasz216 said:
koffieboon said:
jlauro said:

I would have, but was out of state at the time of one of the elections and didn't fill out an absentee ballot.

Sorry, I just can't vote for a pro-abortion democrat. More innocent babies killed in a week than the entire situation in Iraq lasting several years. Have to keep things in perspective and look at the big picture.

There are other reasons too, but I figure that one is big enough that I don't want to get in a debate about other issues.


PS: I know that the likelyhood of the president significantly changing the number of abortions in the US, much less the world, is minimal. That said, there is no way I can support a democrat as president as long as it is part of the democratic platform.

Are you saying 100000s of abortions would take place in the US on a weekly basis when a democrat becomes president?


Less then 4,000 Americans have died in Iraq.  Which i'm assuming he means.  I mean it's been shown neither poltical party nor most americans actually give a damn about the iraqi citizens and are just looking out for number 1.

Someone claiming to look at the big picture and being very concerned with the unborn life should also be concerned about the death of people with a different nationality.

If you go by deaths all Civilians and troops in Iraq, then one day of abortions in the world is still larger then all the deaths in Iraq caused by the war there.  If you just focus on the US, one month of abortions in the US (instead of 1 week) is greater than all the casualties in Iraq.

So, even if you complain it's a month instead of a week, that still makes Iraq a fraction of the death caused by abortions.

I wasn't aware the number of abortions in the US is that high, taking size of the population in account the US seems to have almost twice as many abortions as my own country. But that isn't really my point, you seem to indicate that voting a democrat into the white house will cause huge additional abortions, while the number you're talking about is the current situation. So unless you think a republican will reverse the current situation in the US there doesn't seem to be a big difference regardless who will be voted. And even if abortion becomes illegal you can't really expect it not to happen anymore, there will just be illegal abortions. Maybe the numbers would go down, but the problem isn't gone.