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@TheSource: What provided you with the incentive to go with DMC4? A game that isn't bundled with a console, not an Exclusive title, and hasn't been hyped to oblivion and back?


@Everybody else:  First off, I feel this game will be much closer to Gears of War than say, DMC4.  I think you'll have higher initial sales due to the bundle and this will track just as well, if not more so than Gears.  For those of you who honestly believe that this isn't a system pusher, I'm not sure your in the right forum.  There's no concrete evidence that PS3 sales rose due to MGS4 in previous months.  As far as how well this game does, it's still very difficult to say, I could be wrong, way wrong, or Mr. Source could be very much off.  I still supect this game will outsell GTA IV for PS3 due to it releasing on the 360 along with it, so that's a bad comparison.  If GTA IV had released on the PS3 first, we would be talking about how much impact it would have had. ( A LOT, by the way) So, no, don't think that it's just a drop in the bucket.   It's going to do very well. 

And don't even get me started on British Mags whom are Wii60 cop-outs.....

Bottom Line: My prediction is for this one to be the best selling MGS title by the end of the year...albiet barely so, maybe at best over 6 million.  But I think surpassing 7 million at some point next year is a possibility, but much more than that? I seriously doubt it.

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