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I'm picking up what you're putting down though don't put Z and Super together that is insulting as Z is my favourite then DB and I can't decide between Super and GT right now. Z is my favourite for the simple reason I love passion and intensity also the music makes it so much better. I like techniques as much as the next guy but the drama the build up the energy pumps me up so much, Vegetas Final Flash against Cell scene is so good and gives me chills till this day and many more DBZ moments but in Dragonball almost non of the scenes give me the same level chills don't get me wrong I fucking love dragonball the fight choreography is so damn good but there is a reason they stuck with piccolo for 2 sagas and that is because people loved that intensity there was so much at stake. Anyway get onto Hunter x Hunter if you want technique and adventure it's pretty much the more grown up version of dragonball plus the intensity.

Also people dislike the Buu saga yet it has the most techniques over all of Z and introduce wacky characters and mystery as well as fusion. Buu is not the best villain but the saga is good when you really think about it.