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Dno said:
sc94597 said:
Dno said:
sc94597 said:
Dno said:
sc94597 said:
Dno said:
brawl is fun tho lol but nintendo isnt known for its great graphics lol. DOA is.
Um sorry, but do you mean nintendo as a developer, or nintendo consoles, because the gamecube was better than the ps2 in every area, and the xbox in some areas. The n64   was the most powerful console of it's gen, and the snes was the second most poweful.


2 words....... DVD9, hardrive... put Final fantasy 11 on the gamecube (as it stands NOW) then ill eat my PC in fact put ff12 on the GC with one disk and see how that turns out.

 keep in mind the ps2 came out a full year before nintendo. NINTENDO DOES NOT DO REALTISC graphics....... 80% of the games are like mario....... which to some are not bad.

Thanks for the response. I was waiting to post this for when I was done, but here is part of my analysis on the wii's graphics. Have a nice read.

"Firstly we will compare the Ps2 and the Gamecube. The ps2 is very complicated compared to the Gamecube. This is because unlike the game cube, or the xbox the PS2s cpu consisted of a main core, and two vector processing units. The vector processing units allowed math to be done for different things at the same time. While this may have benefited the ps2, the benefit was lost when it had to make up for things that the game cube could do automatically. One example of this is how the gamecube was capable of texture compression through the hardware and allowed up to 6 times more textures than it's memory would allow. The ps2 on the other hand didn't have this capability and had to emulate this through software and it only allowed up to 4 times the textures compared to the gamecubes 6 times. By running this through software the cpu had to work a lot harder than if it was capable of this through hardware. Another example of the benefit being lost is the gamecube allowing for 8 layers of effects to one polygon in 1 pass, while the ps2 had to do this 8 different times for each effect causing it to work 8 times harder. The emotion engine was also slower than the gamecubes, clocked at almost 300mhz, while the gamecubes was clocked around 500mhz. The gamecubes power pc architecture allowed for more of the cpu's power to be used because of it being more efficient. The gamecube and the ps2 are about the same in the area of polygon count. The gamecube having a little bit more at 350k polygons per frame @ 60fps,and 700 per frame @30 fps, while the ps2 did about 250-300 polygons per frame @ 60 fps in game, and 500-600 polygons per frame @ 30fps. The gamecube was capable of more polygons, and the polygons looked better on the gamecube because of the gamecube being capable of nicer textures, and shaders using it's TEV unit, and better lighting. There is no need to compare any further, the gamecube trumps the ps2. This means Wii games should look better than ps2 games, since it's successor was far more capable graphically."




and yup i aggree.. i never said the wii isnt stronger lol... (thats the what 4th time now?) ps2 can do things GC can not and same with GC..... im prolly olderthen u i did my research. But GC only has 1.8 gigs of space on that disk...... ps2 an hold a lot more (psp games hold 1.8 gigs if you did no)

 Yeah, well obviously you don't know too much about graphics production, even if you are older than me. The gamecube could do anything the ps2 could and better.  Also, what does disk space have to do with graphics?

ok if you are correct right and i am wrong right.... (just hear me out) can the Gamecube hold ff11 and all the expan packs?

 If a hard drive was made for it similarly to the one the ps2 got. . Was Final fantasy 11 on a dual layer disc or a single. If dual layer then I would say that it would have to fit on 2 gc discs, but if single layer then 1 is fine. This is all due to compression btw.