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Dno said:
vaio said:
Dno said:
vaio said:
Dno said:
trestres said:
Dno said:
NOW THE TOPIC OF THE TREAD WAS "Does SMG look better then EVERYGAME last gen:
(yes you rocketpig) the answer is a safe HELL no.... NGB character models kill SMG. GT4 is just awesome.... timesplitters looks the same if not better then Metriod (hell metriod 2 looks almost as good)


LOL, typical answer from losers, never gonna accept defeat. Not that I was competing with you, but pretty much everyone in this thread proved you wrong, so yes, you are being a bad loser.

@Griffin: It seems you didn't pay attention to the graphics on MP3, they look WAY better than MP2, plus it's 480p in 16:9.

dude shhhhhhhhhhhhhh please.... and read........ hes giving excuses.... thats defeat... where did i lose? explain?

I have finaly gone throught the whole thread and you have been wrong again and again

and even tried to show pc pics as xbox pics and i am not buying your excuses for those misstakes

one might have been misstake but the rest, NO WAY.

They have shown you and they have explained it to you and you still refuse to see it.

You my dear fanboy who doesn´t have SMG and haven´t played it need both glasses and lenses at the same time so you can see straight.

weather you think i did that on purpose meas nuthin to me. i have 3 pages worth of xbox games u didnt read that of course. I stated it was a mistake and thats that...... second ur a fool i bought SMG 1st day... again dont ever try to think u no me and if for a secong u think SMG is WAY better then the games i have shown you my "dear fanboy" need to get the glasses check. your a fool if u see a differrence between SMG and GOW or timesplitters or GT4 .... a big fat fool.

I rather be a fool then blind and a liar

When did i lie? read the post again.... dont call me a liar i stated IN THE DAMN POST that i fucked up... who are you anyway your a fool thats who you are dont insult me. learn to read... took you an hour just to read a post FULL of pictures ..........

When you stop lying I will stop calling you a liar.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

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