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If you really want to play X Wii Ware title, I think you'll find a work around.

Generally speaking, it seems that Nintendo's primary focus is in expanding its user base and broadest demographics.

In this instance, it is the core audience, theoretically the best and most supportive demographic, that is not priority one. There simply aren't enough Nintendo fans buying dozens of Wii titles to give them the same buying clout as all the non-core gamers who are providing Nintendo with its record breaking hardware sales figures.

Go to the Nintendo Channel and take a second look at their current advertising campaign focus. Where are the dollars being spent?

One spot with Liv Tyler for Brain Age 2
One with America Ferrera for New Super Mario Bros.
One with Carrie Underwood for Nintendogs

These are not new titles they're pushing. It's a specific demographic they are advertising to that does not include core gamers.

Who's playing Wii Fit? featuring two members of the U.S. Woman's National Soccer Team.

This is what will happen when a company's strength is quickly built upon the mass market rather than a core audience. And there is nothing wrong with this.

While it's probably not the best idea to insult your biggest fans, his words, unimportant as they may be to Nintendo at large (and probably uninformed if Nintendo does have a storage solution in the works), ring true: nobody but otaku and game geeks care about the storage issue as they seem to be the only ones squawking about it on the internet.