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Super is terrible. Pan being younger than at the end of DBZ is an issue.
Goten and Trunks not aging at all is another.

Having characters spend a year in the Hyperbolic time chamber just to reach a new Super Saiyan Level or characters like Vegeta almost busting a nut to get Super Saiyan in the first place... Whilst in Dragon Ball Super... Characters seem to be able to train for a day and match SSJ2/God etc' with relative ease.

Having Gohan not able to turn Super Saiyan 2, struggles with Super Saiyan 1 and imply he is stronger than Piccolo and that they should take "no chances" during the Return of Frieza Arc, undermines Piccolo's fusion with Kami and all the years of training after that... Just makes no sense. Then later Piccolo is keeping up with Mystic Gohan. Like seriously.

We cannot forget how terrible some of the animations are either.
And I feel like the epic scope, the epic threats, the epic over the top bad guys just aren't there in Super either.

With that. Beerus is awesome. He has made the entire show worth it for me.

Dragon Ball Z is still the gold standard for the franchise for me personally.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--