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I've never watched Super, and don't intend to. I liked Z more as a kid, though I think I was also at a point where I cared less about plot structure and character development, and more about cool fights with cool looking power-ups. Not that I begrudge people for enjoying this...but it's just not to my taste anymore.

If I were to watch all these series again, I imagine I'd find Dragonball the most appealing. The fights seemed less about power levels, and more about guts or creative ways to win. The larger cast was more viable, and there seemed to be more tension, since the Shenron plot reset was used less frequently. I also thought the more whimsical fantasy setting worked better than introducing aliens and space travel, though that's more preference in general.

Also Bulma was a lot hotter as a teenager.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334