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Sqrl said:

But when I compare that to Gore or Kerry it wins in a landslide.

Gore: Wouldn't have gone to war in Iraq.

Bush: Did go to war in Iraq.


Kerry: Wanted to scale back the Iraq war in a move towards getting the hell out of there.

Bush: Uh, yeah. Look where we are now.Sticking around and escalating it has just worked out AWESOME.


The war has been the biggest issue to me, even though it seems like the U.S. as a whole has basically decided to forget about it at this point. Obama has said he wants to put a movement in place to scale back troops. McCain has basically said that what we've done has been fine, and wants to "win" the war (You know, since "if we leave, we're just admitting defeat") without having any actual goals in place that would signify "winning". Is it when the new government we (and the Iraqis) seem disinterested in building is in place? Is it when there's no more Iraqis left alive to fight? By all means, I'd love to know what has to happen for there to be "victory" in Iraq. I have family over there currently, and friends who have already done two tours, and are being sent back for a third.

For being the candidate with military experience, and that being in a war so eerily similar to this one in its unwinnability, McCain's stance on it strikes me as preposterous. My dad is also a Vietnam vet, (and one of the smartest political and military minds I know) and thinks we need to get out ASAP. Not leave Iraq entirely to itself, but scale back the deployments to a bare minimum. At some point, the Iraqis have to step up and take control, and that likely won't happen until they know it has to be done. If we keep "surging" troops, it's not exactly putting any pressure on them to take the reins. If we start scaling back with the intention of keeping a small maintainence force there, it would be a giant step in the right direction. Obama is at least talking about it. McCain is talking about the exact opposite, which is why he won't be getting my vote.

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.