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Hiku said:

The 3.3m WiiU owners alone can indeed make Switch sell above PS4 and 3DS in Japan every week until sales surpass 3.3m. Not to mention when you count the console players who skipped WiiU but find Switch appealing.
The rate of the sales don't say anything about 3DS adopters unless you're presuming to know how many of the console players in Japan are interested in Switch at launch/first year. Different systems have different appeal.
Playstation 2 sold 4.75m first year in Japan, while PS1 sold 2.0m. That's a rate increase of 137% for PS2.
Yes PS2 did not end up selling anywhere close to 137% more than PS1 in Japan when all was said and done. They ended up at 23.18m and 19.36m respectively. That's only 19% more.
There are many reasons as to why you can't just look at the rate of sales at this stage and jump to conclusions. Shipment constraints or not.

Under the logic that it's only Wii U owners buying the platform the sales would represent the Wii U's sales pattern as it goes in alligned weekly sales NS has already overtaken Wii U, the small console market in Japan would not give NS that rate of sales given the market's state in modern times it's more likely the case that 3DS and Vita owners are among the buyers migrating over because that's where all the future portable games will be. Even other console owners who didn't buy the Wii U would not give that rate as it would be more around the PS4's rate, Wii U in its prime was at like half the PS4's rate. The Console market simply isn't big enough to give NS that rate of sale alone week in week out.

Your PS2 example is badly flawed comparing one home console to another when we're looking at a device that is a hybrid which succeeds portables and a console look at your own example what relevancy does it have other than saying PS2 sold more than PS1, all PS2 owners would be console owners so how is that relevant in arguing about portable owners buy NS.