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Soriku said:
DMeisterJ said:
@ colonlestubbs

So does squall.

I was waiting for someone to say this.

If you've actually played FF VIII (I know you have, so you shouldn't be making this mistake) the gun feature of his Gunblade is to do extra damage while you're doing physical attacks. The gun part isn't used to shoot from a distance at all. It can only be used while Squall is slashing to do extra damage. That's all. Don't know why so many people make this mistake. I was kinda disappointed in the Gunblade because of that =/ I wanted it to shoot! >:O

So, what colonel says is true. Nero cheats! :(

A better fight would be Laguna vs. Nero (Laguna uses a machine gun).

 Gunblades suck anway.

You basically end up with a gun that's harder to shoot and heavier... and a sword that isn't balanced right.

There is a reason why the design never caught on.