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Hahahaha! Good one..

Oh wait.. You were serious?

You REALLY think people would be compelled to shell out $300 + on a console just because (or more compelled because) it's difficult to come by? But then.. why the hell did they want it in the first place? What were they planning on doing if they actually DID get one?

Switch is a great console with some great games. Thus is sells. END of story. Power means shit. Is it really so hard to understand this simple concept?

It baffles me as to how little the hardcore, who is seemingly fully imersed in gaming, actually understands the gaming industry trends/markets.

I'll also never get tired of the hardcore squirm, being baffled at Nintendo's success and trying to shrug it off. With Wii they were just able to shrug it off as the made up excuse of "meh, it's just stupid cazuals!" But when Switch has similar success, they will no longer be able to resort to this excuse, as Switch has no casual games except maybe 1,2 Switch, which is almost universally panned and hasn't sold well anyway, and in fact is already home to some of the most grinding difficult games like Has Been Heroes, Isaac, and Zelda (in some respects). It will be extremely entertaining in the coming years to sit back and watch what their creative excuses will be now. I see we're off to a stellar start with topics like this.. XD


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden