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epsilon72 said:
I would have (not old enough for 2000 election) for two reasons:

1) Gore.
2) Kerry.

I was old enough to vote in the '04 election. Also, yes, Bush sucks, but what about the idiots in congress? They get a complete pass on everything, because everyone is too busy focusing on Emmanuel Goldstei- er, I mean, George Bush.

 My sentiments exactly.  I'm not very fond of Bush and particularly the way he handled the Iraq war but if I could do it all again I'd still vote for him both times over the other choices....Gore and Kerry were just terrible candidates.

I could write a list of the things I like and dislike about Bush but both sides are about equal...perhaps a bit more in the dislike column.  But when I compare that to Gore or Kerry it wins in a landslide.

As for this election...I completely agree with Obama that we need to focus on the issues.  The problem is the only things I've heard about his positions are either so vague that I don't really know what he actually wants to do or I disagree with him...which again leaves me looking at the republican..this time McCain and when I look at his list of likes and dislikes I find that, like Bush, they are about equal in length. 

'Douche' and 'Turd Sandwhich' indeed.

As for congress...they just make me can a group of people with a lower approval rating than the Bush not just wither in embarrassment? With the disdain and disgust that gets spit at Bush every day in editorial columns(some deserved, some not) around the country it boggles my mind that congress, the group of people who control the purse strings of the nation, get a free pass on things like the economy among many other issues.  Its such a joke...the whole damn thing is just such a joke.

I'm honestly more shocked that people are still willing to associate themselves with the two political parties than I am that people admit to voting for Bush.  If this were a video game I would have hit the reset button a long time ago....

Just my 0.02 VG$

To Each Man, Responsibility