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Sorry for not replying earlier. I've had a lot of work on my hands with regard to the website and today I've pretty much chained myself to the TV playing through MGS4.

As for the numerical system, I tend to lean towards it. You're right it's non-sensical if you simply view it as 90=A and so on. A 1-5 rating system deals with this issue to a certain extent because it relates to something more tangible or objective which is the school rating system.

Personally I'd lean to going for a 1-50 scoring system. Essentially Each 10 digits represents a grade (1=F, 2=D, etc) but it gives me enough space to express shades of difference between two games.

Perhaps I'm too much into trivialities and detail, but I find the 1-5 scoring system to be impercise. It's effective as far as giving a general idea about the quality of a game, but if I would like to compare or contrast a certain game with previous entries in the franchise or similar genre games there isn't enough room to point out minor pros and cons numerically.

Though I don't take reviews seriously anymore, if I did vouch for their credibility I may be interested in comparing any score discreptencies between MGS4 and 3 or 2 even if the score is only one decimal off. It would imply the game not being as ahead of it's time as another or simply not as polished. This is only useful if you actually trust or share the judgment of the reviewer and if you're detail oriented such as me.

I think one reason why the 1-100 (or 10) scoring system seems like such a waste of garbage is because we're used to seeing every marginally good game scoring in the high 80's or low 90's while even superman 64 class A shit won't score below 4. Most of the numbers go unused or overused so what's the point of 100?