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I was amazed when The Rentals completely ditched that Moog sound for their second album and still fuckin' rocked it. Best of all, they even got Damon Albarn to sing a song on it, which managed to kick even a little more ass than the rest of the album.


and don't even think about bashing Blur, Rubang. I will drive up to Oakland and kick your Patchouli-smellin' Berkeley ass if the thought even crosses your mind. Remember that I can be there in 6 hours, I own guns, and I voted Republican last election.


Wait, I'll have to wait until you get back into school. That won't scare one damned person in Oakland, excepting the mayor. Berkeley, on the other hand, that will send those damned hippies back into the trees where they belong (so fine red-blooded Americans like myself can cut them down with people still hanging from limbs).

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