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Between those two games, the PS3 wins.

Halo 3 is not even the best FPS on the 360. CoD4 I would say is better (and you can get that on both systems).

If you are more a FPS fan, and like only FF for RPG's, go with the PS3. There are some great FPS's on it, and it's the only console with FFXIII.

If you like RPG's, the 360 has a lot more... a LOT more. Oblivion is better on the PS3 than the 360 (because it came out later), but that's about all you have.

If online FPS action is what you are after, CoD4 is server based on the PS3, and client only based on the 360, so you will get a more lag free experience on the PS3. UT3 is also an incredible thing if you only have a console. Mods will keep that game fresh for a very long time.

Resistance 2 and KZ2 will be great.

So, if you are a FPS fan, ironically the console to go with imo is the PS3.
If you are an RPG fan, ironically the console to go with imo is the 360.

Kind of funny. You would think it would be the other way around.