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Bandorr said:
Can't really fathom why the law allows someone to fire someone that is investigating them..

It feels like Trump does thing just to get in the headlines. Well that and his rampant hatred of all things Obama.

Execpt that he's not investigating trump nor would this stop any ongoing investigations. I find it funny how before the election the media talking heads were all in agreement to remove Comey from office once Clinton won because of how he so awfully botched the investigations into her email server. Now those same people are up in arms over a practice that has been done multiple times by Presidents. 

Frankly the establishment of both parties, the political career folks throughout Washington are to blame as much as the elected empty suits for the god awful state this nation finds itself in. Too busy trying to police the world, too busy trying to influence other world governments, too eager to chicken hawk ourselves into a war without any intention of actually winning-rather wagging the tail and now willing to halt economic development around the world under the guise of climate change. He said he will drain the swamp and like it or not ( I obviously like it) that means removing those in Washington that have spent their entire careers simply pushing the established doctrine from the elites in both parties.