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Soriku said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Soriku said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Soriku said:
WTF? Darth Maul came back? lol. Why would Maul want to kill Vader?

Ha, I barely recognized you without your old avatar.

If memory serves, Darth Maul came back as a member of an organization to kill Darth Vader, believing that his instable psyche would cause him to be a threat to the rise of the Galactic Empire.

Oh. Wow. Vader must have wrecked him lol.

Not really.

Both Maul and Vader lost several midi-chlorians when their respective limbs were chopped off, both ironically by Obi-Wan Kenobi. This actually left Palpatine as the person most capable with the force in the entire galaxy. The Maul-Vader fight was pretty close. Darth Vader won by impaling himself with his own lightsaber and pushing it far enough through his body that it also impaled Darth Maul who was behind him. I find it strange that the lightsaber didn't kill Vader too, but then again, you'd have to read the book for it. Most of his body was artificial, so that would most likely be the explanation.


I find it funny that Anakin/Darth Vader has his limbs cut off like 3-4 times and then burned in the movies yet doesn't die X_X Poor Anakin :(

Also, the imapling thing reminds me of a certain MGS4 scene (between Raiden and some other dude. Raiden impaled himself so he can impale the other dude too). We never see those impale scenes in movies though. They would be cool :P

Also, what book is this? Sounds interesting. Other SW books are kinda...meh. Post-episode IV books sound cool.

Actually those scenes were stolen from a couple movies... and a bunch of anime have used that move as well.

Just not to many western movies... as  they use swords much less.