radishhead said: I'm surprised everybody is putting Minecraft in their "for sure" category: haven't most people already bought Minecraft? |
Obviously it won't sell the huge numbers it did on PC and its other most successful platforms, but every new HW platform have new gamers for which it's the first gaming platform ever, and people that are already gamers, but don't own yet every possible game they could desire. I have tens of PC games, many waiting for being started in my backlog, and I have many in my wishlist too, and for example I have in my wishlist a PC online multiplayer mech game, Hawken, but unexpectedly I stumbled upon another mech game with my Android tablet, War Robots, and Hawken, despite F2P, so that I could get it anytime without having to consider the money, has shifted to a lower desirability level in my wishlist. Available time also matters, and things like this, and others too, can happen to any game in anybody's wishlist, so even immensely successful games like Minecraft can still be in the wishlist of a lot of people, and the right moment for them could happen also when they get a NS. It still is in mine too, but for a different reason, I fear it could take too much of my time, like War Robots and Need for Speed No Limits are already doing, the first mobile and F2P games that, despite some undeniable flaws and shortcomings, haven't horribly disappointed me yet.