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wfz said:
Edge112 said:
wfz said:
Edge112 said:
nextgreatchamp said:
lol. i like their shoes, but nothing else. music was weird and the dancers were just throwing their hands around. i can't believe it had 3 million views.

I assume you people are americans. You guys are always late on the latest. Give it a few more watch from start to end, it grows on you. Trust me, I had a similar response. WTF is this? they suck. Then I watched it again. Like I said its Insane.

You seem to have a certain nerve for Americans, from what I've seen of your recent posts. Why the hate?

Anyways I didn't think the dancing was very good in this video.

THIS is amazing dancing!




EDIT: Thanks Grey!


You looked through my posts? thats just plain creepy.... -_-'

I have a certain nerve because so many(not all) Americans are so ignorant to EVERYTHING!!!

I didn't look through your history, I've just seen a few of your posts today (I noticed your icon) and I happened to notice that you're very bitter towards Americans.=P


So your reasoning is that so many Americans are ignorant to "everything"? That's one of the weirdest remarks I've ever heard. So you're mad that many Americans don't have the same taste and likes that you do, and that makes you better than them? You have some amazing logic there my friend. =)

Besides I'm sure you're extremely ignorant to many things other people have interest in. Does that make them better than you?

I don't understand your hate in the least. Oh well.

 I don't hate them, I lived in the US for a year. Its just that they are so closed minded to everything. They waste so much food,they are so hypocrytical. The kyoto issue, the US makes more emmision 10 fold compared  to kyoto. I think its mainly bush right now.Always causing wars, even your own persidential candidate. Many people think Obama is muslium because of his middle name. That is so sterotypical. If I went up to an american and said. America is filled with sterotypes. All asians are smart overachievers. All arab people cause trouble and are terroist. All black people are lazy, arrogant and commit crime. Ignorance is a bliss. I have no hate for them at all. I love visiting, but as a nation many people need to open their eyes. They, and by they I mean many people not all are very rude to anything in their way. Close minded too. This is just my opinion. Once again I don't hate them.