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DarkNight_DS said:
johnlucas said:

The major decrease was supposed to happen within this summer season. But Wii's selling like launch still now. There was an AP report about people still getting in lines for Wii just today (saw it on my Wii News Channel coincidentally). September will be the beginning of new rockets for this system. Holiday season 07 will make Holiday Season 06 look like an utter joke Wii-wise.

Failure is not an option, no, kber81.

All I can say is wait on the hourglass.

Here's a clue to Wii's July boosts: Wii online with Pokémon Battle Revolution in USA and summer break from school.

Underestimate the your own peril.

John Lucas

That's a lot of Wii's to sell in one month John, has anyone got any data on whether there actually will be any more Wii's shipped this month? So far the data over the last few months shows pretty consistant sales. Also, I don't think Pokemon on the Wii is as big of a system seller as maybe Nintendo may have thought... Obviously I'd love to be wrong and hope that you are in fact correct. (Except that Pokemon BR isn't a great game so if it doesn't sell so well, well it didn't deserve to). I want the best games to come to the Wii.. Usually Nintendo sells less product in July... so this trend kinda goes against the huge jump in sales you expect to see happen.

Surely it is. But a lot can happen in one month. It wasn't that long ago when Wii was only half of XBox 360's near 10 million total worldwide sales and now they are near 1 million in difference.

No, I never have any data on their shipment rates. I just use my psychic powers to forecast. Hahaha.

No seriously, um, Pokémon Battle Revolution will sell units no doubt. It's tied in with the Diamond and Pearl Pokémons (why I do feel like singing that Prince song when I say those games' names?). Connectivity and the testing its Wi-Fi online is why it will sell not so much on the quality of the game. If quality of games always made a difference those Spider-Man 3's wouldn't be so high on the charts. Remember it doesn't take much to impress kids. I remember plenty of games I played as a kid back in the NES days that were simply gawdawful! Bad Street Brawler?!?! It just made no sense! Hahahaha!

I too want more quality than quantity on Nintendo systems. The 11 year drought in the N64/GC days gave Nintendo fans a more quality selection because of 3rd party exodus. The most popular system also picks up the most trash so I hope Nintendo curbs the natural flow of trash on the system somewha. It's inevitable some will show up but keep it under control.

The one thing I keep in mind when predicting Wii is that it is a trend breaker. It broke the rules of a post-holiday season slump and summer slump. The words "usual" and "Wii" just don't fit in the same sentence.

Believe the unbelievable when you think of the future of the Wii.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot