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Alby_da_Wolf said:
5 or 6. It could be more, but it looks like Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart and Splatoon are going to take the lion's share and leave space for a very few other million sellers this year. I could be wrong, but current sales give me this impression.

I dont know man, 5 is a bit low imo. But yeah, at thery least 5 possibly a whole lot more.

  • 1-2 Switch are almost there. Pretty sure it will grind itself to 1Million sells. '
  • Zelda: BotW - already confirmed
  • MK8: Confirmed
  • Splatoon 2 - Lock
  • Super Mario - Lock
That is set in stone. Then we have these games that I would give at least a chance to pass 1 million this year
  • Arms - New Nintendo IP, I'm pretty sure this will pass 1 million, would be very surprised if it did not.
  • Skyrim - dedicated fans, playing it on the go? Will get people to dip again. Nintendo is the only platform not yet exposed to Skyrim so there's possibly of a new big userbase here.
  • Minecraft - Well.. it's Minecraft.
  • Super Bomberman R - Halfway there in a month.. Could see it leg it's way to a million
  • Snipperclips - 300k in month one. I'd say it has a chance
And the Sleepers / longshots
  • Fifa 18 - could end up anywhere. Huge IP, once again trying out Nintendo.. 
  • Fire Emblem Warriors. Pretty sure it will leg itself to a million, not sure about year 1 though
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Will become a million seller at one point.. probably not year 1 though.
  • Yooka Laylee - Just a hunch, it's so Nintendo-esque. 
  • Sonic Forces - Coul be a holiday title.. Always do well on Nintendo systems.
  • <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Dragon Quest XI - Depending on release date, this will sell a million with ease.. but year 1? if it releases sooner rather than later for sure.
Then we coul possibly or likely see another few first party releases from Nintendo and they are always a threat. I think 8 or so is a realistic goal