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Azzanation said:

I normally buy my games on Steam however i picked up Snake Pass over Steam based on the fact it was Play Anywhere title. I wanted both Console and PC versions and Windows Store had the benefit. I wish Steam and Live merged services and just run off one gaming network however thats wishful thinking. Win Store has its advantages and so does Steam. I am starting to buy the Play Anywhere games now off Windows Store over Steam due to the sheer value and Xbox Achievements are just so much more thrilling to obtain over Steams. Steam will always be my 3rd party service however if MS keep pushing the Play Anywhere feature than Steam is going to have a tough fight on its hands.. For me anyway, and i am a 11 year Steam Member

Yea I can see there are better benefits if you are a PC and Xbox gamer that would make the Windows Store superior to Steam.  However, I don't see any benefits if I just play on PC and Nintendo.  So they aren't really grabbing non Xbox gamers attention in my opinion with their store.  They could just try and buyout Valve but I doubt Valve would take any offer considering Gabe wants to keep Valve privately held company.  It would be funny to see the shit storm if somehow Microsoft was able to buy Valve though.