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Normchacho said:
Goodnightmoon said:

You diplomacy doesn't really hide what you really want to say, it never really does.

Your preferences completley decides the side you always choose, you just don't want to see it, Pokoko does exactly the same, you both make a pretty good couple actually.

You might want to take a breath. You're lashing out at people over pretty small things and you're sounding more and more paranoid.

Not everyone likes the same things, and people are allowed to change their minds. This situation doesn't really need much more explaination.

Oh yeah poor people that compeltely talks about you in your fucking face and acts like they talk about no one in particular. But if you realize what is going on someone calls you paranoid... I swear the things I see in this forum are something else, don't even know what I'm doing here anymore, but you are right, too much forum dwelling for today.