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Zucas said:
Now that's just cherry picking. Because the point of a boycott is too force them to lose so much business that they are forced to change their ways. But if you support games they make money off of, aka No More Heroes and soon Tenchu 4, your still in turn hurting your own cause.

This boycott is simply useless. Buy the games you want to play and leave it at that. Can't force a business to do what you want unless you have monumental numbers and full dedication.


You're "boycotting", but still lining their pockets to use on PS360 games.  

This is the least amount of dedication, and the worst boycott that I have ever seen implemented.  It's a shame that people don't have any willpower.  As soon as a "might be okay" game came out, ubisoft was cool again cause they're not developing it. 

People have no morals.