The rising tide lifts all boats. When the software sells like thing (due to hit titles), it makes people want to buy more games. People bought the system for Zelda but were also picking up Bomberman and 1-2-Switch with it as well. I'm sure this has also helped Puyo Puyo Tetris. The Games that will break 1 million:
1-2-Switch (On track according to Nintendo)
ARMS - (thinking 2-3 million)
Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Skyrim - (There is a constituency of open world games that will form on Switch. This will make games like Skyrim big success. Also portability)
Minecraft - (See above)
Sonic Mania - (If you look at Nintendo's Youtube, it is one of the most popular videos from the presentation trailers. Over 4 million views. Has more than the official Sonic channel. This will be a surprise hit).
Super Mario Odyssey - (Most 3D Mario games sell at least 10 million)
Puyo Puyo Tetris (Think this will sell due to word of mouth. The demo was a great idea)
Sonic Forces - (Most Sonic games sell well on Nintendo platforms. I don't think this will be a huge hit, but it could break a million)
The last two may be a bit out there. Also, there will be more games at E3 that Nintendo hasn't shown. 10 games is doable.
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Known as Smashchu in a former life