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According to this, there might be.

"Do you ever see how ingenious and sharp people on the internet can be and think, "Wow I'm not as smart as I thought I was?" Today was one of those days, as the detectives on NeoGAF stumbled upon a pattern which has proven to consistently predict imminent Nintendo Direct presentations.
Here's the deal. On Nintendo's official website there's a page specifically for Nintendo Directs. On this page, a blank slot reportedly always opens up about a week before a new Direct is about to be announced. Earlier today, a blank space opened up on the Directs page (see bottom right of the picture), so word on the street is we should know within a couple of weeks whether or not we're getting a Direct, when it will air, and what it will be about."

This wouldn't exactly be unprecedented- Nintendo hosted a Direct in May 2015, for example, though that was to talk about the imminent release of Splatoon. Edit: Nintendo also hosted two Japan only Directs, and a Direct for Europe/North America, in May 2013.

The website I linked to speculates there might be a Pokemon Stars announcement, but I'd expect Nintendo to save anything that big for E3. We might instead get more announcements that would be lost at E3, like more details on upcoming 3DS games (Fire Emblem, Miitopia, Ever Oasis), more information about New 2DS XL, or perhaps even an update on Virtual Console, the Animal Crossing mobile game, or Nintendo Network/My Nintendo.

Second Edit: In the May 2013 Direct, Nintendo talked about:

  • Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
  • Sonic Lost World
  • Game Gear on 3DS Virtual Console
  • Oracle of Ages/Seasons on 3DS Virtual Console
  • Mario vs Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move for 3DS eShop
  • DKC: Returns 3D
  • Animal Crossing New Leaf Youtube video series/Streetpass plaza update
  • Game & Wario update
  • Resident Evil Revelations heading to Wii U eShop
  • New Super Luigi Bros U update
  • Wonderful 101 release date
  • Pikmin 3 update
  • E3 information (demo tour in the US/Canada)