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OK after 2 amazing E3 press conferences one after the other i doubt they will be able to live up to them with a 3rd one on the same level...

But then again i expected E3 2015 to not deliver much because E3 2014 was relatively underwhelming and boy was i incredibly wrong, and then i expected for them to never live up to E3 2015 because it was just TOO GOOD and well... they did... they didnt announce any Megatons on E3 2016 but the incredible presentation, and constant announcement of big exclusive after big exclusive, including new IPs and Old IPs competely made up for the lack of Megaton announcements.

Also worth to be noted the GoW E3 2016 trailer got more views than the trailer for the biggest Megaton ever FF7R which is even a year older, GoW may not be a series that is dear to me but it clearly gathers a LOT of attention.