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I like certain types of online gaming, but I have VERY strict Criteria for the experience to be remotely enjoyable (as far as "shooters" are concerned).

I prefer HUGE matches, 32+ is ideal for me.

I prefer games with HUGE maps, I HATE cluster fucks >_> (unless it's melee matches :D)

I get annoyed SUPER easily if theres any bullshit spawn camping.

If it's super realistic, I'm not interested.

I like vehicular combat.

I DESPISE P2P gaming, my gaming experience changes too many goddamn times, and it turns twitch shooters into insta-fail.

I like Sci-Fi.

I need diversified weapons, and as mentioned, preferably sci-fi.

I like the life to be a little on the high end, not so much like Halo's, a point blank shot gun shell should kill >_>

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.