Sony needs to put some of these massive PSN profits to use in improving PSN. But I'm starting to think a lot of PSN's flaws are things they can't fix or they would have already. Like changing your PSN name. If they could have fixed that they'd have done it and found an easy way to charge us more money, like MS does. It's also weird how certain games can show you not only what your friends are playing but details about the game they are in, yet PSN does not. Madden for example, I can see my friend in an online league match is losing 20-3 in the third quarter. On PSN I just see that he is playing Madden. Or Battleborn, if I wanna try and join up with friends playing, on XBL it will logically only show me my friends who are online and playing Battleborn on the in-game friends list. On PSN it literally pops up your entire friends list regardless of what game they are playing or if they're even online or not. Among many other examples. I guess they just can't change these things, because the alternative is they either don't know how or don't care to and those options suck.
Hopefully Nintendo makes a lot of money on their service as well and it improves. I haven't used the Switch online functionality yet but the Wii U is very bare bones, it's almost like playing online on the Dreamcast or something.